The epoch of modernity appeals to the multi-tracked vision of modernization as the process of the actual transformation. The extended explanation of the given process is found in S. Hantington’s works. S. Hantington explained the global traits of modernization in the following manner: “Having been begun in Eastern Europe of the fifteenth – sixteenth century, modernization became the universal case with the flow of time, that provided both the diffusion of the contemporary ideas and the technology from the European centre throughout the whole world and from the growth of the non-European social structures” [1; p.270]. Being the production of the modern stage of globalization, modernization contributed to the continuation of the idea of the further total improvement and the growth in the international dimension. Modernization diffusion was capable of involving practically all leading countries into its current, as well as all the developing countries. The fusion of globalization and modernization contributed to the cooperation between the countries.
Speaking about the length and the continuity of modernization, S. Hantington intensified the following item: “The whole range of changing, caused by modernization, is to be realized during the certain period of time. The speed of the modernization processes is evident, but even under the current conditions this transformation must be quite long-lasting, being fulfilled for the life span of the several generations” [1; p.266]. S. Hantington criticized the modernization dynamics abruptly for the absence of its stage representation. The stage nature of modernization was confirmed by his following reflection: “There is probability of revealing the levels or the phases of modernization, through which all of the social structures have to pass. The social structures start their modernized way from the primitive, simple, weakly differentiated structures on the stage of «tradition» and quit modernization, in their being developed, complex and varied structures on the stage of «modernity»” [1; p.254]. In the context of the stage characterizing of modernization, it was important to accentuate attention to the application of the given definition to the evolutionary transformation of the state system, in case of which the state was passing to a higher stage of the modernization development, where the prior aspects and the stimulating variations were definitely formulated. The evolution of the actual modernization model became demonstrative in the highly developed and developing countries in their tendency to the progressive alteration.
Having called modernization a progressive process, S. Hantington wrote: “Modernization may cause sufferings, bring many deep wounds; it is not only inevitable, but it is also desirable in the long-lasting perspective. Modernized systems possess much greater opportunities in their comparison to the traditional ones. The Evil and the Suffering during modernization are to be rewarded in the very End, as the material and cultural wealth of the contemporary society is immeasurably higher in its comparison to the traditional one” [1; p.265].
Finally, modernization is inclined to receive the traits of the progressive transformation, where the evolution of politics, economics and culture is present and evident. The following evolution will finally lead to the total readjustment in the society, the state and the world, based upon the actual perception of the quality features of modernization. Modernization possesses the capacity for the international cooperation in the frame of the civilization, which contributes to the correlation between globalization and modernization in the modernity context.
Bibliography (Список литературы):
Хантингтон, С. Тенденция к прогрессу: модернизация и политика / С. Хантингтон − М., 2005. – 274 с.
Библиографическая ссылка
Кострица Е.И. Modernization Model in Modern Cultural Environment // Научный электронный архив.
URL: (дата обращения: 24.02.2025).