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Globalization as the Process, Reflecting National Relationship in Cultural Environment
E. Kostritsa

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Globalization as the Process,

Reflecting National Relationship in Cultural Environment

Кострица Е.И.

Читинская государственная медицинская академия

Чита, Забайкальский край, Россия

The globalization phenomenon is the characteristic progressive economic transformation, encountered in the modern world; hence, research activity in this sphere is accelerated and remarkable. There is a range of indefinite theories, reciting this process, but the mechanism of globalization realization has not been worked out yet, the same goes with globalization influence on the field of national relationship. Actuality in recognition of the globalization process is intensified in the area of modern crisis processes. The world is likely to achieve the global unity due to simplification of the interaction process between countries in the planetary scale and the avoidance of the negative tendency.

Scientific explanation of globalization is defined broader than any other process, being characteristic of the separated area of state transformation, for this purpose it is to be recited in the multi-tracked reference and in detail. The very term “globalization” came into being in 1983 when the American scholar T. Levit introduced the innovatory item into use while having given the characteristic reference to the process of fusion of markets of certain products, being produced by the transnational corporations, in the article “The Harvard Business Review”. Due to the other version of globalization appearance the World Electronic Community, or “WELCOM” in its abbreviation, aimed at determination of the new political status, projected on the realization of actual items of the world scale, was created for achievement of the effect of world unity.

Later the particular readjustment of the priority position of the unique value of this process in the state contemplation was found. Globalization is explained as the complex process, characterizing modern public and political transformation, involving the cultural environment in Russia. In this correlation we settle the purpose of clarifying the meaning of national vision of this dynamic phenomenon, that’s why assessing globalization as the complex process in its orientation on the sphere of culture, can’t be ignored. Cultural meaning of globalization is properly revealed in the works of I.L. Galinskaya and I.V. Zorin. I.L. Galinskaya made the accent to the outlook definition of globalization: “Globalization is regarded as dimension, deepening and acceleration of global communication in all of the aspects of modern public life, as well as intensification of mentality in the whole world. One of traits of globalization is concluded in conversion of knowledge and experience and in intension to global understanding”.

Xenophobia, racial intolerance, national hatred and constant ethnic conflicts make the global atmosphere undertaking and intense. The problem resolution lies in the acknowledgement of identity, unique nature and national ethnic specificity in the frame of the global world.

In I.L. Galinskaya’s vision globalization consisted of three conditions: extension (dimension), deepening, acceleration in the world scale, which permitted to judge of its universal and total essence, opposed to the limited territorial transformation. Proper dimension, deepening and acceleration made the globalization process chaotic and non-controlled, which provided diffusion of cultural priority on the other cultural environment. In case of realization of the given function the conflict of incongruity of certain norms in the range of social and national aspects is rouse. State aggression may be decreased if natural adaptation of new cultural aspects with traditional historical norms, rules and cultural regulations is held. Globalization tendency for becoming the phenomenon of modernity is justified by its intention for transforming, aimed at actual dynamics in the state cooperation.

The scholar also underlined the globalization capacity to conversion, activity, planetary mentality, permitting adequate reactivity to the altering the world order. I.L. Galinskaya revealed the non-complete essence of the term “globalization”, revealing its connection to culture and civilization.

Globalization capacity was regarded to possess geographical, ecological filling revealed some similarity with the notion “civilization” under the realization of organization-territorial meaning. Globalization opportunity for reproducing moral-ethical prerogatives is connected to the notion “culture”. In “culture” the perfect ontology model was created, it was responsible for any even the most contradictory requirement of the epoch “geo-civilization” or “post-globalization”. I.L. Galinskaya was the collateral of the popular scientific tendency, based on globalization representation in the epoch of geo-civilization and post-globalization, leading to “the unique, universal world civilization”. There was no exact definition of that epoch in the scientific knowledge, as well as there was no universal explanation of the notion “globalization”. The exact essence was the statement that the world was on the way of the great discovery, which positive side was to be used for the sake of development and modernization of the countries.

I.V. Zorin led the analysis of the whole process of the international transformation, defining five traits, characterizing globalization in its cultural vision: “democracy in the art, universal vision of the world “under oneself”, realization of the American experiment, idol reference, and accessibility”. Democracy correlation in art would finally lead to the complete chaos as in the explanation of pieces of art in the traditional understanding, so as in the explanation of the application of the term “art” to the separate works. The given globalization condition would create degradation of the ontology outlook, which would destroy the strict idea of the art norms. Universal vision of the world “under oneself” would provoke the necessity of personal perception of the environment and the structure of the individual image in a way that it could be correspondent to modern fashion variants of planetary perception.

Ideas of tolerance were widely developed in the modern world, which permitted to make peace among fighting peoples and to avoid bleeding and wars. Recent events of South Osetiya served as the example of disability of Georgia to perform the political compromise and to create the neighbouring friendly relationship with close countries. The USA also led to the aggressive policy, aimed at opponent destruction not only by means of terrorism, but also with the help of false and sophisticated remarks of the state power description in modern Russia. The Russian Federation was directed to the repairing the atmosphere of cooperation on the world arena.

Most of developed and developing countries try to enter into the world cooperation and to create that global world about which modern globalization scholars had for a long time thought, they stating the world to be able to become totally tolerant and united in the scale of the general, common system. Perhaps, we should be likely to be witnesses of key mental readjustment, leading to creation of the absolutely new actual system of national interaction in the recent future.

Библиографическая ссылка

E. Kostritsa Globalization as the Process, Reflecting National Relationship in Cultural Environment // Научный электронный архив.
URL: http://econf.rae.ru/article/6011 (дата обращения: 01.07.2024).

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