One of the important factors in professional selection is health, being the most precious gift, which a man gains from nature. Health is such body condition, in which the functions of all the organs and systems recite the dynamic balance with outer environment. In the basis of health processes of development and preservation of physiologic, psychological and social functions are set. Nowadays practically every person, living in the country of technical progress, possesses plenty of affairs and duties. As a result, the man, being involved into the heap of tiny casual and technical problems, simply forgets the major essentials and tasks of the health preservation. The man recalls of his (her) health being at the doctor’s, when many diseases are in the progressive stage, far gone and sometimes are not cured. It is possible to prevent these consequences in case of regular personal working, leading an active, healthy life style, supervising one’s condition regularly and systematically.
Personal health protection is the direct task of every person, and he (she) doesn’t possess the right to transmit this duty on the people, surrounding him (her). It frequently occurs, that a man, leading the wrong life-style, adapting unhealthy habits by the age of 20-30 years, drives himself (herself) to the catastrophic condition and even at that time recalls of medicine.
Despite medicine, being perfect, it can set anybody from all the diseases. A man is a creator of his (her) health, for which one is to fight. From the early age it is necessary to lead the active, healthy life-style, making the body healthy, dealing with physical culture and sport, observing the rules of personal hygiene, in a word, gaining the authentic health harmony by means of the reasonable ways. The formation of the theory of the healthy life-style possesses long lasting history, being prolonged for many years. It reflects the knowledge system, being collected and concentrated for the definite stage of the specialized scientific disciplines: medicine, physical education and sport, pedagogy and sociology. If the generalization of the practical experience was primarily made, later these were the results of the specialized investigations in creating research methods of cognition of the theory of the healthy life-style.
The ideas of leading the healthy life-style, preservation of personal health and prolonging active longevity and heath strengthening put their roots deeply in the bottom of the centuries. “Nothing destroys and ruins the human body like long-lasting physical inactivity” (Aristotle). All the studies, led earlier, were regarded, collected and sent from one generation to the other. Applying the works, collected in the course of the centuries, modern scholars regarded and introduced their technologies. The following contemporary scholars were engaged with the introduction of the healthy life-style among the student youth into practice: N. M. Amosov, G. D. Ivanov, E. B. Omarov, U. S. Marchubaeva, Zh. B. Zhanbosinova, V. A. Golovin, V. A. Maslyakov, A. V. Korobkova, L. N. Gumeleva, Yu. I. Kurpan, V. G. Chernomirdin, A. K. Alekperova, V. I. Philinkov, R. T. Raevsky, P. G. Dmitrieva, N. A. Tsunchenock, R. A. Yanson, I. T. Eglite, P. G. Ozolin. These authors and other authors of many books and publications pay particular attention to physical development, methodology of the healthy life-style with the students of various professions. This article deals with determination and revealing criteria of the healthy life-style of the student youth; depiction of the positive effect leading to the healthy life-style and its positive effect on the psycho-physiologic condition of the student.
Physical health is the condition of physical, spiritual and social wealth, the most important component of our any success. This is the basic characteristic feature of the productive force, the public property, possessing material and spiritual value. However, we rarely think of the prophylaxis of ailments and diseases, particularly if there is no discovering of the symptoms of the disease, and there are no painful sensations. Unfortunately, many people, in particular, start thinking of their health when it is seriously impaired. But when it occurs, everything will seem to be empty and slightly significant on this background. Therefore, it is necessary to reflect of preserving health, working ability and active living for complete life for many years. One of the main principles of preserving health, physical activity, appropriate psycho-physical activity of student youth is leading the healthy life-style. The healthy life-style is the life-style, being based not only on the moral principles. The healthy life-style, being performed correctly and realizing all of its components, protects the body against the unfavourable influence of the environment.
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