Заочные электронные конференции
Дауренбеков К.К., Буйная Т.В., Ш.Н.Нургалиев, С.В.Пак

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К.К. Daurenbekov, T.V. Buinaya, Sh.N. Nurgaliev, S.V. Pak.

PO «Murager School» with specialized classes for talented children on three languages


Kyzylorda State University after Korkyt-Ata

Kazakhstan, Kyzylorda city


The importance and novelty of new technology applications at modern school condition are showed in this thesis.

The automation of tutorial process is the actual concern at present time. The adaptive and intellectual training system is the one of view of the new generation automated training system. These systems allow raising the education process adaptivity. Here the trainable receives the knowledge on his capability under the training program control. In this case the program is undertaking all teacher functions on training material organization, adoption control and diagnostic pitfall of the educable [1]. It is possible to add the text allowing to give the objective, comparable and quantitative estimation of the educable training quality in planned educational region.

The adaptive training systems are representing the computer training systems in which the feedback algorithm are realized between the educable and system [2]. Normally these algorithms are used for training process control: the correction of script of its interaction with computer training system is carried out according to educable work results.

The specific interest for computer training system represents the kind of dynamic rendition, which is realized with the video making synchronic with actions, reflected on the computer screen. The video is realized with the help of special program instruments. Wide variety of audio and video recorder setting up of such instruments allows to create the training modules in kind of video clips, demonstrated the hiring for work with training system.

The analyze of functional and non-functional feature of examined software tools screen camera shooting (for example degree of complexity of screen camera pre-setting) showed that the value of higher quality according to the selected criterion are realized in Camtasia instrument, created on Techsmith company [3]. It is marked in this case that this program is easy for absorption and convenient in video clips making control. Also the possibility of format ample quantity application for its saving, including the Flash-video format, designed specially for Web site distribution. The most large-scale of video clips following editing also marked for Camtasia screen camera.

Moreover, one ore new kind of adaptation is realized with the help of dynamic rendition method – adaptation to educable with limited capacities (in particular according to sight). This kind of adaptation is realized as the possibility of accompanying sound receipt, realized with the same abilities of dynamic rendition.

It is necessary to note at the conclusion that the computer training systems usage are meet the requirements of modernity.


  1. Е.А. Chertcova Computer training system working // Е.А. Chertcova Saratov: Saratov State Technical University, 2005, p.7-12

  2. К.К. Daurenbekov About the external and internal adaptivity of computer training program // International symposium «New information technology and quality management» (NIT&MO), Chapter I. Information technology and telecommunication at education and science, Turkey, 2008, P. 132-134

  3. 3. http://www.techsmith.com/camtasia.asp (site of " Techsmith " company)

Библиографическая ссылка

Дауренбеков К.К., Буйная Т.В., Ш.Н.Нургалиев, С.В.Пак ADAPTIVE TRAINING PROGRAM AT EDUCATION SPHERE // Научный электронный архив.
URL: http://econf.rae.ru/article/4800 (дата обращения: 02.05.2024).

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